2020-12-02 15:29:56
Dear every customer, as a oversea sales, i want to share some honest and important tips about when buying a products especially buy a machine,suh as a roll forming machine.
As we known, when we order machines from other countries,we used to compare the prices, the factory scale, the sample machines which can be seen in the supplier's workshop, what's more, we may also try to as for the feedback from the suppliers' old customers and so some research.Of course, above purchasing skills are necessary for you buy a satisfied machines for your production.
But dear Customer, have you ever though one thing ---- from your first Inquiry Email to your supplier, you begin talk about the machines and other items of the machine. Thast is to say, any information from the supplier is from the persons who first receive your Email, This person is called overseas sales,In china, most overseas is worked as a translating staff. The overseas sales who know the machines design well is few.The person who know the machine and talked over your machines is the engineer. Dear customer, when you reading here, do you understand which person is most important to your machine ordering?
Yes, the most important person related to your high quality and machine designing is the engineer who will arrange and design your machines.
Only through the engineer who is in charge of your machine, the factory can understand your demanded machines well and produce your machines as the designing from the Engineer.Here i want to introduce our factory Main engineer---Mr Xu lianxing, who is also our oversea manager in change of the exporting machines for 18 years.
Brunei Darusalam ,Canada,Chile,Chinese Taipei,Indonesia,Japan,Korea,Malaysia,Mexico,New Zealand,Papua New Guinea,Peru,Philippines,Russia,Singapore,Thailand,USA,Vietnam